
Tuesday 23 April 2024

World Book's Day!

Today is World Book's Day!

Why do we celebrate World Book's day on the 23rd April?
On 23 April 1616, the two writers and geniuses WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and MIGUEL DE CERVANTES , died.
That day is also England's National Day: SAINT GEORGE . Here it is George and the dragon story:

Enjoy your day and don't forget to read!!

Monday 22 April 2024

English Speaking World


Do you know why are we celebrating Book's Day on the 23rd April?

William Shakespeare died on that date (1616) and Miguel de Cervantes on the previous day.

Shakespeare is the best- known English writer of all times, and he actually made up many words we use nowadays.

But, have you ever wondered why is English so important?, why do we have to learn it?, and why do adults want kids to study it and get better at it?

Well, English is the most popular and spoken language in the World, 1.130 millions speak it (only 379 millions are native speakers!).

Do you want to know more about the language, the countries where it is spoken and their accents?

Try this cool genially.